7–11 Jul 2025
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

Anti-harassment policy

SAIP is committed to promoting a safe conference environment where all participants can enjoy an environment that encourages the free expression and exchange of scientific ideas and is free from all forms of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. There are many different types of harassment, which can be verbal or physical behaviors. Harassment can affect the personal and professional well-being of scientists when perpetrated by people in positions of power upon those in more vulnerable positions. This professional misconduct often preferentially targets women, although men can also be victims of harassment. Harassment in any form can lead to feelings of vulnerability and professional insecurity, and as such, there can be no place for it at the annual SAIP conference.

If you need to report an allegation of harassment by anyone at this conference, speak to any of the LOC members. They will assist you. They will observe strict confidentiality when an allegation is reported until an investigation process has been completed and a ruling by the governing body has been made, at which point confidentiality may or may not be preserved, depending on the case and the findings.